Welcome to my website. I had originally decided to create this website to share info about one particular subject I have been into in the past: theories and principles of sound production techniques shown through experiments with consumer equipment. Over time, I’ve added more pages with my visual art, my programs for research and art creativity, as well as my other interests.
I am not a pro musician or a pro producer so I have no access to pro equipment or to a recording studio. The info contained on this website is focused on producing an electronic track with consumer equipment such as a laptop running a recent version of Microsoft Windows (capable of running a commonly used DAW such as FL Studio from ImageLine), one or more Bluetooth speakers, an Android smartphone with a recording app installed. But it can be extended to other computing devices, operating systems and sound production software. I have collected this info and experimented with these techniques over the years as a personal research especially focused on corporate music, commonly referred to as “muzak”, the kind you hear in traditional TV commercials or background music for some kind of commercial purpose.
I had thought of collecting everything in a manual and publishing it online as an e-book, but I have limited free time, so I couldn’t complete the project. Here you can find all I was able to write so far, which contains a few fundamental clues on how to produce an electronic track. If I have time in the future, I will add the rest. The title and subtible of the website are optimistic, as they imply I will complete the manual and add more subjects or start blogging. I’m not sure this will happen, but I thought it would be useful to share what I already have.